Sunday, August 23, 2009


Well, I kinda new that the whole write everyday thing wouldn't last long...... Sorry!
School started last Wednesday. I got lost, couldn't open my locker, etc.... It was terrible... Ugh... Then in the middle of the school day I got checked out of school to go get looked at by a specialist. It was not fun.... I got my blood taken too. And if you know me you'll know that my worst fear is needles.... It was a big thing for me.....but it wasn't that bad...... I'm getting the results back next Wednesday.
Since I started school a day early, I didn't have to go to school on Thursday. Me and my two best friends hung out! We had soooooo much fun......Ahhhh I miss Liesl, she goes to a different school. It is depressing! At least Kilie is with me! Mwahahahahahah! :)
Well, that is all for now....I'll try to remember tomorrow.....Its soooooooo busy with school and all.......Poop......

Friday, August 14, 2009

Feeling Better!

I am happy to report that my medicine is working! I am SO happy! AHHHHHHH! I have been feeling so sick for so long! I actually got some sleep last night! Maybe I'll be lucky again, tonight!
I'd like to thank my Aunt Kathy for paying me! I am so happy I have money again! It's going right into the school clothes fund! I am actually getting excited for school! Although in a way I am dreading it! I've never been that good at work! I am so sad about something I shouldn't be sad for! 7th graders usually get bottom lockers:(! Pretty much all my life I've wanted to have a locker! Now I can't decorate! I'm sure I'll get over it! See ya!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Doctor's Office!

So, today I went to the doctors office. He said I most likely have acid reflex. Although I don't want to have acid reflex, I'm glad I finally have some medicine to help me feel better! I still have to go to Primary Children's Hospital in September, to get some blood tests, and see a specialist! I am not looking forward to this! One I hate needles! They are my worst fear! Even though everybody says, "Blood tests don't hurt they are just uncomfortable," I am still scared! It will be my first blood test since I was a baby in the hospital! I obviously don't remember what they are like! SO in other words, I might have acid reflex, but maybe not if that makes any sense. Well I won't bore you anymore!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Trying....

I have been trying to remember to write everyday. I'm not sure how long it will last. At least I remembered today. I have my mom's memory! Her memory is not good! Well, I don't know what else to say! I haven't done very much since.......well, yesterday! All I did today was this is a LONG list!:) Wake up, eat, sit around, help my sister pack for college, watch T.v., Read, go to Costco, check my email, update my blog! That is all so far. After this it will be watching T.V., checking my facebook, then bed! I haven't been feeling so well for a really long time! My mother thinks I have acid reflex or Crohns. I don't want either! Why can't I be normal!
Anyways, I am so sad because I can't get any school clothes. I won't look very good on my first day of junior high! Just warning you! Just joking! I think I'll be able to find something!
I miss my cousins soooooo bad! My cousin Katie and her husband Conner, moved to Maryland. They almost always came to Sunday dinners at my house! Also my cousin Molly..... Katie's sister! She is like 3ish years older then me. We are REALLY good friends! Also my cousins who live in Ohio! Also my cousin Bryan. There are many more!! I have a HUGE family I LOVE them all! Ahhhhhh..........
Well I won't bore you anymore! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wow has it REALLY been that long???

Sorry that I haven't written for so long! I kinda forgot I had a blog! Then I realized I did. Sooooo Lots of things have happened since last time! School ended......... I've just been enjoying my summer. It has been so relaxing to just sit around. Although it makes me feel like a bum just sitting around, but what else am supposed to do! There is nothing else. I guess I could clean...... ummmm no thanks!
One of the highlights of my summer was my Cousins Kimee and Audrey's birthday! They have the same birthday but they are not twins. My cousin who is closer to my age, Bryan was in town. It was so fun to be with him and play with little kids two things I LOVE! I love to babysit! It is such a plus that you usually get paid!
Another fun thing that I've done is hang out with my two best friends Kilie and Liesl. They are SO nice! We are pretty much exactly alike! We must be SO annoying together! We are loud and think everything is funnier when we are together! I love them!
Out of all the fun things I've done the best thing was going to Lagoon! I love going on rides, but I hate it too. I always like freak out right before we go on rides. As soon as I would get on, and buckled in, I would just have SO much fun. I love to scream on rides mostly because it is fun to, not because I'm scared. My favorite ride was Jetstar! It goes SO fast! AHHHHHHHHH it is just SO GREAT! AHHHHHHHH! Hey now you got me all excited!
That is pretty much how my summer has been going........ I am SO scared for Junior High! I don't have a sense of all. Plus I cannot open a locker for the life of me! I can't believe I'm not going to be in Elementary school anymore! It makes me want to cry every time I think about it! I'm pretty sensitive, plus most of my friends are going to a different school! I had the most amazing 6th grade teacher! At the begging I hated him, but by the end he was my FAVORITE teacher ever!!!!!!!! No lie! Anyways, I'm probably boring you with this now so....BYE!