Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Doctor's Office!

So, today I went to the doctors office. He said I most likely have acid reflex. Although I don't want to have acid reflex, I'm glad I finally have some medicine to help me feel better! I still have to go to Primary Children's Hospital in September, to get some blood tests, and see a specialist! I am not looking forward to this! One I hate needles! They are my worst fear! Even though everybody says, "Blood tests don't hurt they are just uncomfortable," I am still scared! It will be my first blood test since I was a baby in the hospital! I obviously don't remember what they are like! SO in other words, I might have acid reflex, but maybe not if that makes any sense. Well I won't bore you anymore!


  1. Did you know that Natalie has acid reflux? She probably had to do those tests a few years ago. You should e-mail her, and she can give you good advice. :)

  2. Does she have crohns and acid reflux?!
